Investor Fact Sheet

Name: Eon NRG Limited
ASX Code: E2E
Business Description: Eon NRG Limited is an Australian company listed on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and is focused on onshore oil and gas production and exploration in USA. Eon NRG commenced its operations in early 2009. 

Eon NRG owns proven and producing oil and gas fields in the DJ Basin and Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and the San Joaquin Basin in California.

The Company's primary focus is to identify oil and gas and other battery related mineral resources that can be commercialized. Its development strategy is to identify prospective assets (mineral or hydrocarbon leases) that can be drilled to increase oil and/or gas production and prove up prospective mineral resources associated with the energy storage (battery) sector.
Listings: Eon NRG Limited is listed on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), trading code : E2E
Managing Director: John Whisler
Company Secretary: Simon Adams
Board of Directors: Mark Stowell - Non-executive Chairman
John Whisler - Managing Director
Gerry McGann - Non - executive Director
Matthew McCann - Non-executive Director
Head Office: 475 17th Street
Suite 1000
Colorado 80202

Tel: +1 (720) 763-3183
Fax: +1 (720) 838-2149
Registered Office: 20 Howard Street
W. Australia  6000

Tel: +61 (0)8 6144 0590
Fax: +61 (0)8 6144 0593
Share Registry:

Link Market Services Limited
Level 12 QV1 Building
250 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Fax: + 61 (0)2 9287 0303

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Spectrum Offices
100 Railway Road
Subiaco WA 6008